GDIM Monday Motivational Message

For the Week of November 6th

One of our ministers delivered a thought provoking message regarding “policies”.  As I reflect, I find it interesting that we place more value on “possibilities” than we do on “certainties”.

We invest billions of dollars to insure ourselves against theft, fire, flood, natural disasters, sickness, or accidents.   All are only possibilities.  But too many give little thought to the most certain event in our lives.  It is prudent to have insurance in case you are faced with one of those possibilities.  However, it is more important to insure yourself for the most certain event in your life.

Often when we are selecting insurance policies, we look for cheap premiums.  We want to pay as little as possible, but want the best coverage.  The same thinking too often applies in our spiritual life.  This cheap eternal life insurance says just do the bare minimum:  go to church when its convenient, get baptized, give a few dollars, do a few good deeds and you will impress God enough to let you into heaven.  Unfortunately, when we choose the cheap insurance plan, we are often left with no “assurance”, no confidence and no peace of mind that we will be covered for the most certain event in our life.

The reality is that our “good deeds” could never pay the premium required for this eternal life insurance.  Jesus Christ paid the premium for the benefit of heaven.  It is a policy bought and paid for through His death and His resurrection.  Jesus explained this policy in John 11:25 when He said, “I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die like everyone else, will live again.

I admonish you to plan ahead as Hebrews 9:27 explains that it is certain that one day we will die and stand before God for judgement. Receive the gift of eternal life and endeavor to live a life that is holy and acceptable unto the Lord. (Hebrews 12:14, Romans 12:1

So along with the insurance policies we obtain for all of life’s possibilities, be certain that you also have eternal life insurance through faith and relationship with Jesus Christ.

Be blessed and have an awesome week. We ❤️ you to life.

Pastors James and Alexis Wright